Saturday 27 February 2010

As a result of our club meeting on Monday last, the following positions have been filled at Midleton AC as follows.

Ladies Captain – Sally Drennan

Vice – Captain – Kathleen O’Connell

Mens Captain – Danny McCarthy

Vice Captain – Tom Cody

Ladies Team Leader – Michelle Nolan

Mens Team Leader – Noel O’Regan

Competitions Secretary – Sally Drennan

Club Treasurer – Mick Walshe

Club Registrar – Danny McCarthy

P.R.O - John Cashman

Clothing Officer – Claire Fitzgerald

Assistant – Mick Walshe

Social Committee

Edmond O’Sullivan (Chairman), Margaret Barry, Margaret Beausang, Marc Dalton, Kay Furlong, Fergal O’Meara and Kevin Smith.

Race Director – John Cashman

Assistant – Danny McCarthy

Rota for Money Collection on Club Nights -

Monday – Michelle Nolan, John Cashman, Fergal O’Meara.

Wednesday – Sally Drennan, Kathleen O’Connell, Mick Walshe.
To contact any of the above E Mail

A word of thanks to all who attended last Monday’s successful meeting.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Wednesday 24 February 2010

East Cork 3km Sorry for the delay in posting these but we just got them

East Cork AC 3Km Winter Series Race 6 23/02/10

1 Sean McGrath East Cork AC 9.29
2 Roy Fahy East Cork AC 9.55
3 Denis Coughlan St Finbarrs AC 10.01
4 Chris Harrington Leevale AC 10.03
5 Eric Meade East Cork AC 10.21
6 Robert Patterson Dunmanway 10.23
7 Shane Maher East Cork AC 10.25
8 Denis McCarthy East Cork AC 10.38
9 Conor Tierney East Cork AC 10.50
10 Declan O'Connell Cloyne 10.52
11 Niamh Roe Eagle AC 10.59
12 John Connolly Aghada 11.10
13 Niamh Walsh Youghal AC 11.17
14 Edmond O'Sullivan Midleton AC 11.20
15 Josh O'S-Hourihan Midleton College 11.27
16 Donal Courtney Skibbereen 11.29
17 Owen O'Connell Midleton 11.31
18 Noel Regan Meath 11.34
19 Kieran Beausang UCC 11.38
20 Martin O'Reilly St Finbarrs AC 11.40
21 Donal Broderick Midleton AC 11.44
22 Ronan Kenneally Rochestown 11.48
23 Nigel Sheehan Mogeely 11.50
24 Trevor Collins Naas 11.56
25 Billy O'Sullivan Midleton 12.02
26 Karol Finn Duhallow AC 12.04
27 AJ Murphy Midleton 12.08
28 Ken O'Keeffe Aghada 12.12
29 Killian Lynch Midleton AC 12.12
30 Stephen Burke Cork 12.18
31 Kevin O'Reilly Midleton AC 12.20
32 Laurence McCarthy Midleton AC 12.20
33 Alan O'Reilly East Cork AC 12.25
34 Karol Watson Midleton 12.28
35 Vincent O'Neill Midleton AC 12.32
36 Eibhlin Cleary East Cork AC 12.33
37 Caroline Geary Midleton AC 12.35
38 Bob McNamara Cork 12.42
39 Batt Kearney Leevale AC 12.45
40 Finbarr Lyons Midleton 12.50
41 Ger Creedon Midleton 12.51
42 Fergal Harte Fota 12.52
43 Michael Kenneally Crosshaven 12.52
44 Gillian Cotter UCC 12.55
45 Michael Kiely Blarney 12.57
46 Emmet Foley Whitegate 13.04
47 Padraig O'Regan Ladysbridge 13.05
48 Paul Kearns Carrigtwohill 13.06
49 Kevin Morrison Midleton AC 13.12
50 Breda Cahill Midleton AC 13.12
51 Donal O'Donoghue Little Island 13.16
52 Mary Histon de Barra Rising Sun AC 13.16
53 Anne-Marie Hayes East Cork AC 13.19
54 Paul O'S-Hourihan East Cork AC 13.22
55 Shane Ruddell Ballinacurra 13.26
56 Anne-Marie Perry Midleton AC 13.27
57 Thomas Kelly Ballymore Cobh AC 13.28
58 Rebecca McEvoy Belgooly AC 13.29
59 Pat Walsh Midleton GAA 13.30
60 Jimmy Murray Rising Sun AC 13.30
61 John Walshe East Cork AC 13.33
62 Eamonn McEvoy St Finbarrs AC 13.36
63 Martin Carr Midleton 13.42
64 Matt Geraghty Cloyne 13.45
65 Dermot Cashman Carrigtwohill 13.46
66 Brian Kenneally Midleton AC 13.48
67 Deirdre Ahern Midleton AC 13.58
68 John O'Donovan Dungourney 14.03
69 Maria Murphy Midleton AC 14.07
70 Ger O'Brien Glanmire 14.10
71 Yvonne Kennedy Midleton AC 14.14
72 Austin Murphy St Finbarrs AC 14.20
73 Mary O'Keeffe Midleton AC 14.20
74 William Kiely Blarney 14.24
75 Con Warren Carrigtwohill 14.32
76 Glen Harty Midleton CBS 14.37
77 Deirdre Duggan Midleton AC 14.39
78 Danny McCarthy Midleton AC 14.41
79 Trish Murphy Midleton AC 14.43
80 Eadaoin O'Neill East Cork AC 14.50
81 Philip Mullane Ballycotton 15.00
82 Jim Curtin East Cork AC 15.03
83 Trish Macropolous Carrigtwohill 15.07
84 Karen O'Brien Cobh 15.12
85 Denis Manning Cork 15.17
86 Elaine Hennessy Midleton AC 15.19
87 Deirdre Lane Carrigtwohill 15.21
88 Helen Geary Midleton AC 15.36
89 Lillian O'Meara Midleton AC 15.40
90 Helena Creedon Midleton 15.40
91 Fergal O'Meara Midleton AC 15.41
92 Louise Barry Midleton 15.53
93 Fionnain O'hAodha Cork 15.57
94 Eoin Cashman Midleton AC 16.02
95 John Cashman Midleton AC 16.03
96 Billy Caball Cork 16.05
97 Derek Lane Passage 16.11
98 Willie O'Mahony Youghal AC 16.11
99 Frank O'Brien Carrigtwohill BNS 16.14
100 Mike Dorney Midleton 16.15
101 Nora Savage Midleton AC 16.40
102 Ciara McGrath Cloyne 16.41
103 Olive Hallahan Midleton AC 16.57
104 John Tarrant Midleton 17.13
105 Joy Sexton Aghada 17.15
106 Jonathan O'Donoghue Cork 17.42
107 Denis Dunne Cork 17.42
108 Maureen Cotter Cork 17.48
109 Joan McCarthy Midleton AC 17.49
110 Gordon Callanan Midleton 17.53
111 Aileen McGrath Cloyne 17.57
112 Grainne Murphy Cork 18.02
113 Maria McGrath Midleton AC 18.07
114 Barbara O'Connor Midleton AC 18.16
115 Kathleen O'Connell Midleton AC 18.17
116 Jim McMurtry Midleton AC 19.19
117 Sheila Kearns Carrigtwohill 19.21
118 Karena Farmer Midleton AC 19.28
119 Harry Farmer Cloyne 19.28
120 Conor la Mere Ballinacurra 23.25
121 Chuck la Mere Ballinacurra 23.26

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Club Membersip - Midleton AC 2010

Please note that the final extended cut off point for membership (30 euro) to be paid is now fast approaching.

- At this point close to 120 people have been registered as club members for 2010. In order to participate in training and compete in races under the name of Midleton AC, the annual subscription must be paid by Monday next March 1.

Thus anybody who paid either the bridging fee (20 euro) last autumn or the full amount (30 euro) earlier in 2009 needs to renew their subscription by next Monday to retain membership of Midleton AC for 2010. Membership may be paid at training on this Wednesday or on Monday next or by contacting club registrar Danny McCarthy on 087-2403940.

As not everybody is yet on our e mailing list, we would you ask to spread the word to your friends and colleagues regarding this cut off date.

Thanking you for your co-operation.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Senior Section News
Ballycotton On The Radar

With just under four weeks to go the Ballycotton ‘10’ on March 21st those who have entered this year’s event are now very much gearing their training towards the big day. Anticipation is beginning to build with the word ‘Ballycotton’ being heard frequently at training each week.

It’s now the time when runners are considering the ‘trial run’ around the famous course, an idea that has become a ritual for many people in recent years. Certainly for those running the race for the first time it is something to seriously consider. In the next few weeks there will hopefully be a number of different groups organised within the club. This year with the advent of the new blog and the email service it should be easy to stay in touch, so if you or your friends are planning such a venture let us know and we will spread the word.

Neilus Aherne

Our own club member Neilus Aherne, Sports/Holistic Therapist is the man to contact for any advice on injury prevention and treatment over the next few weeks. In the countdown to Ballycotton, it’s important to have the legs in tip top shape - Neilius may be contacted on 086-8438355 for appointment and advice.

Before and after the red letter day on March 21, we have plenty of other races to enjoy as spring progresses and we all look forward to the extra hours of day light to assist training flexibility.

On Sunday there was a gathering of 280, somewhat smaller than expected for the ESB 5K in Mahon. No great surprise to see our club very well represented with plenty of excellent times recorded.

Congratulations to Neilus Aherne top man Over 50, Donal Broderick 2nd over 40, Joan McCarthy 3rd Over 50 and Kathleen O’Connell 3rd Over 55. Well done also to our runners who collected prizes as part of teams. The Midleton UDC team were third home in grade A of the mens whilst the newly formed Flexible Connectors team topped grade C.

The full results will be on the BHAA web site during the week. As usual we will also send a copy to all e mail contacts.

Cross Country

Well done to Joan Mc Carthy who formed part of the winning ladies winning team in the Bank Of Ireland All Ireland cross country held on UCC Farm on Sat 20th Feb.. Joans superb run in the final lap earned her team victory by a single point and she herself finished 5TH overall.

Carrigaline ‘5’

Next up after this week’s concluding East Cork 3K race on Tuesday is the 22nd running of the Tommy Ryan Memorial Race in Carrigaline on Sunday morning next February 28. It’s the usual 11am start for this race which has the reputation of a providing a tough test due to it’s regular climbs. It is an ‘up an down’ 5 miler, but a great fixture to take in as part of Ballycotton preparations. Race HQ is the local Community Centre in Carrigaline, where entries will be taken from 9.30am and refreshments will be served afterwards. For first timers travelling to the race – take the by pass on the approach to the town which points you in the direction of the Crosshaven Road. The Community Centre is only a short distance away on the road which runs parallel to the Main Street.

For anybody wishing to travel east rather than west there is also a 10K race in Dungarvan at the same time on Sunday morning next organised by West Waterford AC.

Janssen 4 Miler

On Sunday week, March 7th the Janssen ‘4’ Mile Race appears on the fixture list for the first time. This is another BHAA event and it will be familiar ground for anyone who covered the same distance in the FMC race just last month. Again a very large turn out is expected for the 11am start. Mark Murphy at Janssen -086-1713786 is dealing with all enquiries regarding this inaugural event.

Paddy Desmond Memorial

Jimmy Murray and the team at Rising Sun AC are again anxious to highlight the annual Paddy Desmond Memorial ‘4’ Mile Race, which was very well supported by our club last year. As then it will be an 11am start again this year in Ballinhassig on St Patrick’s Day.

Bantry ’10’

It was a bit like ‘Beauty and The Beast’ when the Bantry ‘10’ took to the road for the first time on St Valentine’s Day. The beautiful scenery was of the picture postcard variety but the severity of the course left almost everybody reflecting on whether or not they had run the toughest ‘10’ in the land.

All credit to our trio of athletes who made the long journey and enjoyed the scenery, the sunshine and the sandwiches.

Donal Broderick approaching peak form was 17th overall in a line up which numbered in excess of 200. Fergal O’Meara, who is accelerating his Paris Marathon plans had another fine run, whilst Denis Kelleher also made it three ‘10’ mile races on successive Sundays as he continues to measure his comeback after injury. – Well done guys!

Fixture Guide
Sun Feb 28 – Dungarvan 10K – 11am

Sun Mar 7 – Cork BHAA – Janssen 4 Mile – Little Island – 11am
Sun Mar 7 – Adare 10K – 2pm
Sun Mar 14 – MunsterSenior/Novice Road Championships – Clare venue
Wed Mar17 – Paddy Desmond Memorial – 4 Mile – Ballinhassig – 11am
Sun Mar 21- Ballycotton ‘10’ = ENTRIES CLOSED
Sun Mar 28 – Munster Masters Road Championships – Limerick venue

Attention -New Members

It’s great to see our club membership continuing to grow and January brought many new faces again. A warm welcome is extended to all and hope we can all do our best to make you most welcome.

Club Colours

- Just a brief word to members that a limited number of club singlets (20 euro) are still available to purchase. It’s always nice to wear your club colours with pride on race day!

Keep In Contact

- Finally, a reminder to new members who have forwarded their e mail address to us over the past few weeks. Unfortunately I was a little unsure of one or two contact details. If you get this email and have not previously responded, we would appreciate if you do same. Thanks in advance for your co-operation.
Remember to keep up to date with all the latest Midleton AC news by checking out our up to the minute club blog – if you have not already found it just check for all the latest club news.
E mail contact is
Telephone enquiries regarding the club may be directed to Danny McCarthy on 087-2403940
Until next time ‘keep on running!

A meeting of the club will be held on Monday February 22nd at 9pm in O'Mearas Lounge, Main Street, Ballinacurra.
The meeting is mainly to appoint people to vacant positions within the club eg Social Committee, Clothing/Gear Organisers, Weekly Subscriptions Collections, Captains etc.
All are welcome to attend but people who are willing to help with the organisation are especially welcome.

Friday 19 February 2010


Sunday Next
Next Cork BHAA Event
ESB 5k Sunday February 21st @ 11am
Entries & changing at Mahon Community Centre. This race takes place on the
new section of the Cork City Marathon

Monday Next
Club Meeting at O'Meara's Bar 9pm
Please see notice below

Tuesday Next
East Cork 3K Series
- Final Race - 7,30pm

Full results of last Sun. Cross Country available on Cork BHAA website

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Please note the following important MIDLETON AC MEETING


A meeting of the club will be held next Monday February 22nd at 9pm in O'Meara Lounge, Main Street, Ballinacurra

The meeting is mainly to appoint people to vacant positions within the club eg Social Committee, Clothing/Gear Organisers, Weekly Subscriptions Collections, Captains etc.

All are welcome to attend but people who are willing to help with the organisation are especially welcome.


On behalf of Midleton AC, we extend a very warm welcome to all new members who joined our club over the past month.
Many of you have given us your e mail address in order to receive regular club updates, re news, fixtures, training, race results etc.
You should have received an e mail as a trial run to establish if we have the correct contact for you.

If you are a new member (or an existing member who has recently forwarded us your address for the first time on the completed application form), I would ask you to please drop me back a reply so that I know our club has your correct details and thus can put you on our regular mailing list.

Many thanks for you co-operation.

John Cashman
Club P.R.O

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Mallow 10 Finish Line Photos

Congratulations to all of you who finished the Mallow 10.
Thankfully the weather held out and you had a great day for it.
This email is to let you know your finishlinephotograph and Race Certificate are ready to order.

They can be found at:

If you find yourself in more than one picture write the numbers in the comment section of the form and all the pictures will be added to your pack.

Again. Well done in completing the Mallow 10,

Hope to see you all again next year


Cross Country

Did you ever run in a cross-country race?
If not, now is your chance!
This is the ideal chance to try something new and get off the road for a change. Running on grass on a nice easy course will give you the chance to try it out and to see if you like it.
In a nice friendly non compeditive athmosphere

Go On Go On Ah Go On Give it a try.Its Fun

The Cork BHAA are holding their annual cross-country event on Sunday next,
14th February @ 11am, at Beaumont Park. (Distance approx 5K)
Entries and changing are at Cork Constitution FC, Temple Hill.


(There will be a big demand for singlets for Ballycotton 10 so be sure to get yours now.
are NOT joking when we say there are limited numbers available )

Monday 8 February 2010

Senior Section News

Action Galore Makes February A Busy Month

After the famine in January has come a feast in February with races galore across the county and plenty more to follow as the countdown continues to Ballycotton on March 21.

The last two Sundays have been dominated by the beginning of the John Buckley Sports sponsored Munster ’10’ Mile Classic Series with the events in Dungarvan and Mallow attracting a very strong Midleton AC entry.

Dungarvan ‘10’

First to the sunshine on the last day of winter in the Deise County where another great show was put on by the host club as their numbers soared to almost 1,000 runners. Just a minor alteration to the course of twelve months ago, meant many in the Midleton singlet were familiar with the Waterford roads, but for those who journeyed for the first time the lasting memory was very much a positive experience.

Some of our competitors were literally hopping off the road. Noel O’Regan’s 59:51 saw only 43 runners cross the tape ahead of him, whilst behind marathon bound Shane Cooney 1:02:00 and the reigning ‘male athlete of the year’ Neilus Aherne 1:02:02 were also in inspiring form. Donal Broderick’s 1:03:32 suggested the Ladysbrige man is very much in form with more big runs likely to follow. Behind this impressive quartet, John Cashman, Sean O’Sullivan and leading lady Michelle Nolan, who clocked a great personal best, all broke the 65 minute barrier.

There was also a great debut over the distance by Emmet Hennessy who hit the 65 mark on the nose whilst both Adam Duchnicz and Alan Kelly were in close company as they came home impressively in just over 68 minutes.

Amongst our other competitors who recorded good runs on the day were Michael Murphy, Trevor Mahoney,, Breda Cahill (our second lady – 1:13:32), Sally Drennan, Caroline Geary, Sandra Bohan and an outstanding debut over the distance by Claire Fitzgerald. The full list of results is available on West Waterford AC web site
. Apologises for not outlining all results individually, but with such a wide spread of runners from our club now taking part, it is impossible to accurately recognise personal best times etc. At present the membership list is also just being completed.
(Please don’t be shy to keep me in touch with your progress)
In conclusion a collective word of congratulations is due to all completed the first 10 miler of the new decade.

Mallow ‘10’

So to Mallow and a week down the road the arrival of Spring coincided with a rise in temperature. Conditions overall were quite good for the race except for the southerly breeze which certainly became a factor once the left hand turn was negotiated after the six mile mark.

Mind you this breeze did little to halt a few of the club’s pace setters and in particular Noel O’Regan who chopped 46 seconds off his Dungarvan time, on a day when quite a few runners fell back a little on their previous week’s showing. Neilus Aherne had another excellent run and in the process came home with the top accolade in the Over 50 category, whilst Michelle Nolan was top Over 35 and also a superb 5th overall to complete a great eight days.

Margaret Barry again proved tops in her category with junior athlete Philip O’Neill bringing another prize to Midleton, finishing in third position. Danny McCarthy, Vincent Connolly, Brian Healy and Anne Marie Perry were amongst the experienced Midleton contingent that enjoyed steady runs.
Meantime our relative newcomers continue to make great progress with some of them running the distance for the first time in recent weeks.
Deidere Aherne, Claire Fitzgerald, Ciara Coughlan, Anne McCarthy, Mel Manning and debut man Philip Mullane all turned in creditable displays. Again with such a big number of participants from the club (33) it is impossible check pb’s etc – however the full list of all Midleton AC finishers is now listed on the club blog -

East Cork 3K

Last week was the penultimate chapter in the East Cork AC 3K story for the winter. It will be remembered as the Series which lost a race due to the weather, but it also means that 4 is now the magic number to reach if you want to collect that souvineer long sleeve tee-shirt. The next race on Tuesday 23rd gives a final chance to reach that target.

As for last week’s race, Donal Broderick, Declan O’Connell and Emmet Hennessy were particularly spritely beating the 11 minute barrier whilst our distinguished coach Edmond O’Sullivan gave us an example of his talents with an eye catching 11:18. Tom Cody, Billy O’Sullivan and Conor McGrath were also inside the 12 minute barrier. Good to see some of our ladies such as Margaret Sinclair, Christine Murphy, Nora Savage, Margaret Twohig and Marie McGrath record good runs in this hugely enjoyable Winter Series. - A special word of congratulations to Joan Hough who ran 12:28 on the night, having earlier been named on the Cork team for the National Masters Cross Country Championships in Roscommon on February 21.

Also looking ahead to a major fixture is Brian Healy who warmed up for his trip to the Barcelona Half Marathon with action in the 3K Series and the ‘10’ milers. Also looking on the European stage are Fergal O’Meara and Kevin Morrisson who mixed the 3K and 10 mile distance in preparation for the Paris Marathon.

New Race in Bantry

Yet another new addition to the ‘10’ mile fixture list is next Sunday’s race in Bantry.
The following press release has been issued by the organisers.

- Preparations for the “Valley Ring "10 mile road race on Sunday February 14th in Bantry are well under way. This is the first road race in West Cork this year so organisers are encouraging locals and anyone with family connections to The Mealagh to participate as well as casual and club runners to help put the region on the running map. The race is aiming to promote physical activity as a way of getting fit, de-stressing, experiencing the feel good factor and meeting new people. Post race gatherings are interesting as everyone has a story to tell and great friendships are formed as a result. The course is takes in some of the most scenic parts of West Cork.
Come along please and support us by participating. You can walk, jog or run on the day!

On-line registration is now open on: Only €10. Race HQ is in Mealagh Community Hall, 3 miles outside of Bantry. There will be plenty of signposting so you cannot miss the event. There will be water stations organised by the local community and refreshments after the race.

Your support would be greatly appreciated – further details email

Cross Country

Next Sunday also sees the Cork BHAA host their annual Cross Country fixture. Race time here is also 11am and the action will take place in Beaumont, near Blackrock.

A week further down the road the BHAA action switches back to the road when the popular ESB 5K will take place in Mahon. The local Community Centre is again the race base with the usual 11am starting time. Remember if you have not already registered on a BHAA team do so in advance in the race and who knows you could come home with either a team or individual prize.

Eagle ‘5’ Miler

The Eagle AC Tommy Ryan Memorial ‘5’ Mile Race in Carrigaline on Sunday February 28th rounds off a busy month of action. There should again be a very big entry for this race which also has an 11am start. The host club have also confirmed that the Cheetah Run at Fota Wildlife Park will this year take place on Thursday May 20th.

Ballycotton Meal

- A reminder that Midleton AC will again be organising a post Ballycotton ‘10’ meal on the evening of the big race. We will have further details in the near future of what is an annual occasion for reflections and inquests.

New Dates/New Venues/New Races

2010 is probably going to set a new record for the number of races held in the county and further afield. We can confirm that the BHAA have the Janssen ‘4’ in Little Island on March 7 added to their diary and the AIB 5K in Macroom on July 1st. We also know now that the Great Island ‘10’ in Cobh on Sunday April 18 is gathering momentum and there is a definite Sunday fixture in Dunmanway in June for a 10K race. Killarney could host a new 15 miler to add to their growing list of races, whilst word locally is that we could a new ‘4’ miler in Carrigtwohill to replace the Stryker ‘4’ in mid summer. Rumour has it that we might also see a race in the Aghada parish in the not to distant future.

What we can confirm as fact is that Ballintotis will host the East Cork AC ‘4’ Miler on Thursday April 22nd. This traditional opening evening fixture of the calendar has been held in Castlemartyr for the last number of years. The race will now become a fund raiser for Ballintotis Community Council and in particular the proposed new Community Centre. A scenic location is guaranteed with just limited use of the Main N25 Road adjacent to Loughaderra Lake. - More details to follow soon.

We also believe some significant changes are in the pipeline ahead of this year’s Cork City Marathon on June Bank Holiday Monday. The aim is to eliminate some of the drags particularly late on, which have caused some problems in recent years.

Ballycotton 10 Update

- A quick word on Ballycotton as the countdown gathers momentum. By now the full list of entrants – all 3340 of them are on the Ballycotton Running Promotions web site. It might be worth a browse to see who is listed to participate in this year’s race. Midleton AC with over 100 entrants again has the highest of any club.

Keep An Eye

Keep up to date with all the latest Midleton AC news by checking out our up to the minute club blog – if you have not already found it just check for all the latest club news.
E mail contact is
You may also have regular club news, updates and results sent directly to you via our club e mail service. Please give your e mail address to PRO John Cashman to avail of this service.
Telephone enquiries regarding the club may be directed to Danny McCarthy on 087-2403940

Fixture Guide

Sun Feb 14 – Bantry 10 Mile Race – 11am
Sun Feb 14 – BHAA Cross Country – Beaumont, Blackrock – 11am
Sun Feb 21 – BHAA – ESB 5K – Mahon – 11am
Tue Feb 23 – East Cork AC 3K – Race 6 – 7.30pm
Sun Feb 28 – Eagle AC 5 Mile – Carrigaline – 11am
Sun Feb 28 – Dungarvan 10K – 11am

Sun Mar 7 – Cork BHAA – Janssen 4 Mile – Little Island – 11am
Sun Mar 7 – Adare 10K – 2pm
Sun Mar 14 – MunsterSenior/Novice Road Championships – Clare venue
Wed Mar17 – Paddy Desmond Memorial – 4 Mile – Ballinhassig – 11am
Sun Mar 21- Ballycotton ‘10’ = ENTRIES CLOSED
Sun Mar 28 – Munster Masters Road Championships – Limerick venue


Numbers are soaring at training each Monday and Wednesday with the usual annual buzz becoming apparent as the calendar moves closer to Ballycotton. Remember it’s 6pm each Monday at Midleton College and 7pm each Wednesday at Midleton Community Centre,

- Until next time – ‘keep on running’

Sunday 7 February 2010

Results For Midleton AC Runners at The Mallow 10

17 00:59:05 566 O'Regan Noel MIDLETON A/C M40 Male
54 01:03:10 5 Aherne Neilus MIDLETONAC M50 Male
68 01:04:11 33 Broderick Donal MIDLETON AC M40 Male
74 01:04:46 500 O Sullivan Sean MIDLETON AC MS Male
76 01:04:48 84 Cashman John MIDLETON AC M45 Male
84 01:05:18 457 Nolan Michelle MIDLETON A/C F35 Female
120 01:08:06 166 Duchnicz Adam MIDLETON AC MS Male
153 01:09:39 309 Kelly Alan MIDLETON AC MS Male
194 01:12:26 710 O'Neill Philip MIDLETON AC MJ Male
209 01:13:30 709 O'Neill Niall MIDLETON AC m40 Male
236 01:14:57 271 Healy Brian MIDLETON AC M45 Male
240 01:15:16 65 Cahill Breda MIDLETON AC F35 Female
262 01:16:24 581 Perry Anne MarieMIDLETON AC F35 Female
263 01:16:26 304 Kelleher Denis MIDLETON AC M45 Male
276 01:17:00 196 Fitzgerald ClaireMIDLETON AC F35 Female
304 01:18:45 467 O Connell John MIDLETON AC MS Male
311 01:19:04 416 Morrison Kevin MIDLETON AC M45 Male
313 01:19:07 112 Connolly VincentMIDLETON AC M50 Male
332 01:20:02 381 Mc Carthy Danny MIDLETON AC M55 Male
344 01:20:34 1 Aherne Deirdre MIDLETON AC FS Female
372 01:22:40 19 Bohan Sandra MIDLETON AC F35 Female
408 01:26:18 279 Hennessy Elaine MIDLETON AC F50 Female
416 01:27:13 12 Barry Margaret MIDLETON AC F60 Female
420 01:27:45 129 Coughlan Ciara MIDLETON AC FS Female
424 01:28:06 486 O Meara Fergal MIDLETON AC M40 Male
442 01:29:48 805 Cusack Tomas MIDLETON AC M40 Male
449 01:31:25 618 Savage Ann MIDLETON AC F45 Female
456 01:32:39 393 McCarthy Anne MIDLETON AC F40 Female
461 01:33:02 372 Manning Mel MIDLETON AC F40 Female
475 01:35:32 547 O'Leary Clare MIDLETON AC FS Female
476 01:35:51 746 Mullane Philip MIDLETON AC ms Male
478 01:36:32 277 Hegarty Linda MIDLETON AC F35 Female
503 02:14:50 640 Toher Mary MIDLETON AC F50 Female


Thursday 4 February 2010

Mallow 10

Please see below some instructions from Mallow AC for the race...

Key Points for participants and spectators.

As the numbers have grown by 300% over the past four years, the course has changed as we have been forced to avoid the town centre

The start is to the left of the petrol station, just by Davis College. (a few hundred metres from the old start) in a mainly residential area.

The finish is now by the roundabout bar on the main Cork/Limerick Road. While this is not ideal we have struggled to find a better option

Runners will not be allowed run back out the course once finished

Runners will not be allowed use headphones/music players

Once leaving the finish area runners will be asked to use the footbridge to cross the road and return to hall


Pre registered entries are €12, Registration via will be available until mid-night Friday

Pre registered runners must pick up their numbers in the hall.

Entries on the day are €15 (Runners on the day will need to complete entry forms available in the hall)

Last entries on the day will be 11:30am

Registration will be at Mallow Youth Centre, this is a mile from the start and a mile from the finish

Parking is not available at the Youth Centre, there are a number of car parks nearby, details on the website.

All runners will receive a Beanie cap as per last year

Tea/Coffee sandwiches will be available to all runners after the race

Usual prize categories, details on website

€500 Euro bonus if either Male or Female records are broken

Prizes for first 5 runners Male and Female will be presented on the day

Other prizes will be mailed to recipients
On the Course
Keep on the lefthand side of the road, except for one section (9 to 9.5 miles) where you will be directed to run on the right

Obey stewards

Beware of traffic as the roads are not closed

While all possible precautions will be taken, you are responsible for your own safety

Please respect the property of residents at the start .

Wednesday 3 February 2010

East Cork AC 3Km Winter Series Race 5 02/02/10

1 Sean McGrath East Cork AC 9.21
2 Noel Berkeley DSD AC 9.25
3 Timmy Murphy Grange Fermoy AC 9.35
4 James O'Driscoll CIT 9.41
5 Roy Fahy East Cork AC 9.47
6 Denis Coughlan St Finbarrs AC 9.48
7 Frank O'Carroll East Cork AC 10.03
8 Frank Hayes East Cork AC 10.09
9 Conor Tierney East Cork AC 10.19
10 Robert Patterson Dunmanway 10.39
11 Denis McCarthy East Cork AC 10.41
12 David O'Dwyer East Cork AC 10.43
13 Denis Dunne Cork 10.44
14 John Lynch East Cork AC 10.45
15 Donal Broderick Midleton AC 10.52
16 Declan O'Connell Cloyne 10.52
17 Emmet Hennessy Midleton 10.56
18 Josh O'S-Hourihan Midleton College 10.56
19 John Connolly Aghada 10.58
20 Niamh Walsh Youghal AC 11.02
21 Owen O'Connell Midleton 11.08
22 Ronan O'Donoghue CIT 11.15
23 David Nyhan Cork 11.16
24 Edmond O'Sullivan Midleton AC 11.18
25 Laurence Collins Mount Uniacke 11.30
26 Martin O'Reilly St Finbarrs AC 11.37
27 Brian Parkinson East Cork AC 11.39
28 Tom Cody Midleton AC 11.44
29 AJ Murphy Midleton 11.48
30 Billy O'Sullivan Midleton 11.50
31 Conor McGrath Midleton AC 11.53
32 Nigel Sheehan Mogeely 11.59
33 Brendan Cantwell Castlemartyr 12.01
34 Tom O'Neill Aghada 12.02
35 Aidan Kelleher Dungourney 12.02
36 Alex Simonin Midleton College 12.04
37 Ken O'Keeffe Aghada 12.13
38 Emmet Foley Whitegate 12.15
39 Dave Creedon East Cork AC 12.18
40 Fergal O'Meara Midleton AC 12.20
41 Ronan Kenneally Rochestown 12.21
42 Gary Mills Cork 12.22
43 Conor Mills Cork 12.23
44 Joan Hough Midleton AC 12.28
45 Sean O'Sullivan Midleton AC 12.29
46 Karol Watson Midleton 12.31
47 John O'Riordan Rising Sun AC 12.32
48 Caroline Geary Midleton AC 12.37
49 Declan Kearney Aghada 12.42
50 Brian Healy Midleton AC 12.44
51 John Twomey Donoughmore 12.48
52 Eibhlin Cleary East Cork AC 12.49
53 Hugh O'Donnell Midleton CBS 12.49
54 Killian Lynch Midleton CBS 12.58
55 Paul O'S-Hourihan East Cork AC 12.59
56 Anne-Marie Hayes East Cork AC 13.00
57 Breda Cahill Midleton AC 13.01
58 John Walsh Cobh 13.04
59 Kevin Morrisson Midleton AC 13.06
60 Ger Creedon Midleton 13.08
61 Finbarr Lyons Midleton 13.09
62 John Walshe East Cork AC 13.10
63 Noreen Mackey CIT 13.13
64 Killian Deady Midleton CBS 13.18
65 Paul Kierans Carrigtwohill 13.19
66 Dave Barry Midleton AC 13.23
67 Michael Kenneally Crosshaven 13.24
68 Conor Cusack Midleton 13.28
69 Anne Marie Perry Midleton AC 13.36
70 Dermot Cashman Carrigtwohill 13.37
71 Mary Histon de Barra Rising Sun AC 13.41
72 John Paul Riordan Cloyne 13.43
73 Jimmy Murray Rising Sun AC 13.46
74 Joseph McCarthy Midleton AC 13.50
75 Batt Kearney Leevale AC 13.54
76 Shane Ruddell Ballinacurra 13.57
77 Kerri O'Neill Aghada 13.58
78 Tom Kelly Ballymore Cobh AC 13.59
79 John O'Flynn Glanmire 14.01
80 Brian Kenneally Midleton AC 14.02
81 Christine Murphy Midleton AC 14.06
82 Donal O'Donoghue Little Island 14.07
83 Eadaoin O'Neill East Cork AC 14.10
84 Matt Geraghty Cloyne 14.12
85 Patricia Murphy Midleton AC 14.19
86 Ger O'Brien Glanmire 14.19
87 Ciara Coughlan Midleton AC 14.20
88 Glen Harty Midleton CBS 14.27
89 Danny McCarthy Midleton AC 14.29
90 Kieran O'Donovan Ballinacurra 14.33
91 John Fennell West Waterford AC 14.42
92 Tom Cusack Midleton AC 14.45
93 Austin Murphy St Finbarrs AC 14.45
94 Con Warren Carrigtwohill 14.48
95 Linda Watson Midleton 14.50
96 Karen O'Brien Cobh 14.54
97 Liam Morrissey Aghada 14.59
98 Darren Cusack Midleton 15.10
99 Philip Mullane Ballycotton 15.12
100 Mike Dorney Midleton 15.14
101 Louise Barry Midleton 15.24
102 Vincent Murray Glanmire 15.26
103 Katie O'Donovan Grenagh 15.30
104 Helena Creedon Midleton 15.47
105 Jim Curtin East Cork AC 15.59
106 Ciara Fitzgerald Carrigtwohill GNS 15.59
107 Norah O'Brien Carrigtwohill GNS 15.59
108 Billy Caball Cork 16.08
109 Donie O'Connell Midleton AC 16.10
110 Willie O'Mahony Youghal AC 16.15
111 Harry Farmer Cloyne 16.22
112 Mark Sheehan Coachford 16.25
113 Fionnan O'hAodhain Lisgoold 16.25
114 Joy Sexton Aghada 16.31
115 Kath Hurley Dungarvan 16.34
116 Olive Hallahan Midleton AC 16.41
117 Claire McGrath Cloyne 16.45
118 Gordon Callanan Midleton 16.53
119 Margaret Sinclair Midleton AC 17.03
120 Nora Savage Midleton AC 17.08
121 Margaret Twohig Midleton AC 17.20
122 Lillian O'Meara Midleton 17.27
123 Siobhan O'Connor Midleton 17.28
124 Grainne Murphy Cork 17.40
125 Jim McMurtry Midleton AC 18.21
126 Joan McCarthy Midleton AC 18.34
127 Kathleen O'Connell Midleton AC 18.35
128 Aileen McGrath Cloyne 18.50
129 Marie McGrath Midleton AC 18.55
130 Sheila Kierans Carrigtwohill 19.07
131 Mary Toher Midleton AC 20.05
132 Hubert Crowe Tipperary 20.27
133 Eoin Cashman Midleton AC 20.48
134 John Cashman Midleton AC 20.48
135 Conor la Mere Ballinacurra 26.47
136 Chuck la Mere Ballinacurra 26.48