Tuesday 30 January 2018

Message From Edmond O'Sullivan

Come on Midleton AC....lets hit the road to Clarinbridge! Cross country with a bit of craic.
We're planning on travelling up on Saturday Feb 10th, air b nb overnight, do the heroics on Sunday and enjoy the trip back to base. Register for the race with Sally and get in touch with Edmond ( 086-8323267) for the trip details.
We'll have a ball and fly the flag for Midleton AC while we're at it!

Friday 26 January 2018


Pictures show Neilus Aherne in Athens where he completed a 10km finishing 5th overall also pictured is his grandson Conor who completed the 5km.

Dungarvan 10 Bus

The club is organising a bus for the Dungarvan 10 race. Anyone that is interested in availing of it please contact Claire Fitzgerald @ 0863327827 immediately or ASAP. Places are filling very fast. Cost 10 euro.

You need to be registered in order to train with the club. This for insurance purposes. So please register as soon as possible. Instalment facilities are available if you wish to avail of them. You can register at training on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Danny

The  Running In Cork poll is now open to vote for the best 5 Mile race in Cork in 2017. So please vote here  
... https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SM5P6VF
Ye all know the Midleton 5 is the best race around so lets let the rest of the world know too and please get as many as you can to vote for us.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Cross Country Reminder

Hi all,

The closing date for the national masters cross country is just over a week away.  So far I only have two definite names.  If anyone else is planning on running please let me know in good time.  

Kind regards,
I know several of you have been talking about this. Please let Sally know if you have the travelling arrangements sorted etc and intend going or supporting. Danny

Presentation Made To Midleton Community Hospital

A presentation of a cheque for eight hundred euro was made at training on Monday evening to Martina O'Halloran Midleton Community Hospital by senior club captain Claire Fitzgerald from the proceeds  of the Captains Run which took place last Christmas.

Friday 19 January 2018



Great to see so many from our club out supporting this local race.

Delighted to see so many Midleton AC athletes selected Full details Cork Team Selections for Athletics Ireland National Masters & Intermediate Cross-Country Championships 2018

64 athletes from 18 Cork Clubs have been named National Intermediate and Masters Cross-Country Championships, at Kilcornan Estate, in Clarinbridge, Galway, on Sunday February 11th.

All selected athletes MUST confirm their status with Cork Athletics Team Manager, Paddy Buckley (085-1480725) by 5pm, Tuessday January 30th



Available now on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Old and new members always welcome. Best value around. Student rates available.

CLOYNE 4Km This Sunday @ 9.30am

This is always very well organised and well worth supporting Danny

Monday 15 January 2018

Cross Country

Hi all,
The last cross country race of the season is fast approaching.  The national masters cross country championships take place in Clarinbridge, Co. Galway on Sunday, 11 February. 
Anyone in the club over the age of 35 is eligible to run here.  Also, on the same day, the national intermediate cross country takes place. So if there are any athletes under the age of 35, they will also have the opportunity to run.
The team competitions are as follows: men - over 35 and over 50, women - over 35 and over 50. There are also individual categories in all age groups.  It would be fantastic to be able to put forward teams in all four categories.  We are particularly looking for competitors in the over 50 categories, so that those that we have will not have to run on the over 35 team as a result of not having their own team.
Please let me know if you would like to run, as entries have to be made in advance.  This will be a great day out and finale to a very successful cross country season.  Feel free to contact me or any of our other cross country runners if you would like any more information or are considering running, but need any further encouragement!
Kind regards,
Sally Drennan

Thursday 11 January 2018


 Registration will be available from 5.45 at training on Monday evening and also on Wednesday evening. The fee remains the same as previous years at 70 Euro which is the best value around.
Special rates for full time students and unemployed members.

Munster Indoors

Once again some fantastic running from Neilus Aherne today when he finished 1st in the 3000m and 2nd  in the 800m.
Remember Neilus is always available for that winning massage and expert advice .Just give him a call on 0868438355. There are special rates for Midleton AC members. Highly recommended.

FMC 6Km in Littleisland

We saw some really fine running at the FMC 6Km in Littleisland on Sunday morning with several PBs attained and lots of prize winners too. Sheila Buckley 2nd O/35, Marie Gillman 3rd O/50 and Joan McCarthy 2nd O/60 in the ladies and Donie O'Connell 2nd O/65 in the men.

Don't forget to register with BHAA .Edmond O'Sullivan Team Sec. will have forms at training on Monday and Wednesday evening for the Midleton Town Council team which is confined to Midleton AC members only.

The Munster Mountain Running Association (MMRA) will be hold a series of 10 trail races from January to April 2018 throughout the province. For anyone new to trail running, this is a good way to start as it's not as hard as the mountain races which are held later on in the year.

As the poster above shows, there are 10 races in the league and you only need to complete 4 to qualify for a league finisher's prize.

The first run is in Corrin Hill, Fermoy on Sun 14 January and there will be 9 others across the province between January and April 2018.

Please note, you must purchase 
annual IMRA membership online for €10 to take part in any of the MMRA events. Once this annual €10 fee is paid, all of the races in the series cost just €5 each.

You will not be able to run if you turn up at your first race without having purchased online registration.

Munster Winter/Spring League 2018

10 races...Best 4 races to score
Date    Time    Venue/Event            Code    Climb    Dist.    Diff.
Sun Jan 14    11:00 AM    Corrin Hill    CHW    260m    6.60km    6
Sun Jan 28    11:00 AM    Cratloe Woods    CTO    160m    9.30km    4
Sun Feb 11    11:00 AM    Tralee-Tonevane    TRA    200m    8.00km    5
Sun Feb 18    11:00 AM    Crohaun        CRN    300m    6.00km    6
Sun Mar 11    11:00 AM    Ballinaboola    BAL    300m    10.00km    6
Sun Mar 18    11:00 AM    Claragh Mtn    CMN    340m    7.00km    6
Sun Mar 25    11:00 AM    Glanageenty    GR    400m    9.50km    6
Sun Apr 8    11:00 AM    Slievenamon    SVN    570m    8.00km    7
Sun Apr 15    11:00 AM    Curragh Woods    CRW    220m    7.00km    6
Sun Apr 22    11:00 AM    Silvermines    SIL    230m    7.40km    6

 Race Notification: FMC 6K

Email Issues – Important for registrations this week

by Cork BHAA Admin
For anybody who sent an email to register@corkbhaa.com this week, can you please re-send to corkbhaa@hotmail.com and cc kevcummins@eircom.net? We are having issues since the changeover of website host. Please do this until further notice.
Apologies for multiple email notifications/Facebook/Twitter posts today!

The next race on the BHAA calendar is the FMC 6k on Sunday January 14 at 11am. Registration takes place at the Little Island Sports Hall from 9.30am. This race is usually quite busy so it is advisable to get there early. Queues tend to build up when there are queries about registration for 2018. To avoid this, please ensure you get your annual registration details to us by Saturday at noon. This means
  • Excel method: emailing Excel sheet to register@corkbhaa.com (use corkbhaa@hotmail.com and kevcummins@eircom.net until further notice) and printing and sending this to Kevin Cummins with cheque payable to Cork BHAA at the address provided on the sheet. This is the preferred method.
  • Online form: completing this and sending printout and cheque to Kevin Cummins.
You cannot register for 2018 at the race and be eligible to run as a registered runner in that race. This would result in even longer queues at registration.
A final reminder that the Cork BHAA AGM takes place this evening (Thursday) at 8pm at the Ambassador Hotel. This is your chance to have your say on the running of the BHAA in Cork. We are always looking for new people to join the committee and the continued success of the BHAA depends on attracting new people to the committee to replace those leaving it.