Membership 2013
Registration for the current year is now due and will be taken at training commencing next Monday and Wedensday.
Membership Forms must be completed by all members.
NB Please print your e mail address clearly as we have a lot of trouble with these. Marc has enough to be doing rather than following up complaints of people not getting newsletters due to an incorrect e mail address.
Membership is 35euro for the year 2013 (Jan -Dec).
Please bring the correct amount if possible.
Please wait for your receipt and dont just drop the form and money as everyone must receive a receipt and I dont want to be running around the hall trying to give it to you.
Anyone who has difficulty paying please contact the registar Danny (0872403940) or any committee in strict confidence.We do not want to lose you but cannot have anyone training that is not insured and arrangements to suit you can be made.
Anyone who cannot make training contact Danny at 0872403940 or and I will make alternative arrangements.
Please come to training early so as to avoid delays and please be patient if there are delays also please come before training and not during it or after it if possible.
The club reserves the right to refuse membership.
Please note we are NOT taking beginners at present you must be able to run a couple of miles at least
Please note we are NOT taking beginners at present you must be able to run a couple of miles at least
Thanks Danny