Sunday 12 May 2024


We have a few races to catch up on this week the first being the Phizers 6 Mile held last Wednesday evening where we had four runners  Amanda Cooney, John Cashman, Barry Drennan and Mark Fuller.

John Cashman was in action again on Friday night when he headed to  West Waterford for the Ballinroad 5Km where he clocked 20.26. Great to see John getting back in action after his injury.

Then came the Bweeng 5Km where we had very fine runs from Darren Ahern 17.08 , Vicki Spiteri 19.24 and Eileen Leahy 20.36

Training as usual Monday 6pm Cricket Field and Wednesday 6.30 in Market Green two great sessions and all are welcome..

 One for the diary

This is one definitely considering not only is it a fine and popular race but in previous years if you held on to your number you got 20% off your next purchase in John Buckley's and HOPEFULLY they might have it again this year.