Friday 6 September 2024



East Cork's Fittest Superstars

A wonderful day of really exciting events superbly organised by CEASC. What a fantastic start to the fundraising campaign Well done each and everyone who helped in any way.  

Pictures mostly show the great Midleton Rebels Team from our club Melanie, Eoin, Richard and Ger.

 Anyone with photos of club members please send them in to me we would love to have them.

Dingle Marathon

Dingle marathon no. 14  finished. Although I did struggle a bit for the last 6 miles I came in in just under 4 hours and I'm particularly happy that various injuries held up very well. It was an exceptionally warm day but all in all I'm happy with it Declan 

Wednesday Training

Wednesday Training with Edmond resumes at the Co-Op main entrance, next Wednesday, September 11th, 6.30 to 7.30. This session is provided by the club for those members who cannot make the Monday 6pm speed training session and those who want to vary their training type in the company of fellow club members.

 The format is a general 15 minute warm-up followed by a session in groups ( Slow, medium, fast) which could be hills, intervals, fartlek, tempo or pace training…you find out on the night! See some of you there. 

NOTE: please wear hi-viz of some sort, especially later in the month as it starts to get dark towards the 7.30 mark.


Edmond O'Sullivan,

Cloughduv 5Km 

Bigs congrats to Maurice Corcoran who broke the 25min barrier in the Cloughduv 5Km during the week.

Please pass the word around New C2 5K starting