Sunday 4 July 2021


Have Some Fun Whilst Training At The Same Time

Fun Relay For Club Members Only

A great initiative suggested to us by club member Louise Barry was to organise a relay amongst members at training on Monday evening and she even supplied the batons. Thanks Louise.

This is a fun event where members of ALL LEVELS are asked to run 400m as parts of a team of three.

The teams will be selected from a graded submission where YOU are asked to rate your speed from one to ten. Ten being the fastest and one being the slowest.

There will be a sheet there Monday evening for you to fill in.

Teams of three will then be selected from the  different ratings  making each team as balanced and fair as possible.

Each participant will have to run 400m then they have a break whilst the two other members of their team each run 400m and then it’s the turn of the first runner to go 400m again and so on until all runners have completed 400m x 4 .

The first team to complete the course wins.

So come on up on Monday evening at 6pm or before it and have some CRAIC with your clubmates.

 All members are very welcome even if you are not a regular at Monday’s Training please make the effort for one night and join in the fun.

Any queries to Danny 0872403940