Sunday 2 January 2022


Our new C2 5K sessions will start on the 12th January at 6.30pm. This is the ideal way to start running with experienced coaches both male and female who will guide you every step of the way. 

They will give you the individual attention you need and will work with you no matter how long or short it takes you to progress. There will be no pressure only helpful individual advice. All ages from 18 upwards catered for. 

Give yourself the gift of fitness for the new year.

email or call 0872403940


We issue an open invitation to anyone considering joining the club to come along to our training sessions for one or two nights and see if it suits you. This applies to those already running and wishing to improve. No commitment required. Train for a few sessions with our coaches who have experience of coaching all levels of runners up to Olympic level. 

Why run alone when you can improve your running and make new friends at the same time.

Enquiries email or call 0872403940

Registration for 2022 is now open for renewals just go to our website and avail of our special offer for the month of January of only 55 euro.

Registration includes insurance with Athletics Ireland whilst training with the club and numerous other benefits.

New members please contact 0872403940 before signing up


Training starts back officially on Monday 10th Jan 6pm at the All Weather Hockey Pitch, Midleton College

Wednesday at 7pm Co Op Stores, Market Green.