Midleton AC
New Couch 2 5K Starting
May 25th @ 6.30pm
Get Fit For Summer
Suitable for beginners or those returning to running.
Places strictly limited.
Enquiries mdtacinfo@gmail.com or 0872403940
Cross Country Training
Hi all,
At the end of the last cross country season we decided to approach the next season with a more organised plan. With this in mind we plan to hold cross country training sessions on a weekly basis throughout the summer so that we have a well-prepared cross country team by September. We plan to target a 5k or 4 mile race in September to have a goal to help us get fit for cross country. The training sessions will be primarily led by Sinead and will incorporate different terrains - speedwork on pitches, hills, woods etc.
In the meantime, if you are interested in running cross country in the autumn could you let me know and we will start to organise the training sessions.
Our plan is to set up a whatsapp group for those interested. We will probably train on different days and times as it will be hard to get a time to suit everyone.
Look forward to hearing from anyone who is interested.
Kind regards
087 2265857